Nouns and Pronouns

These parts of speech have:

Gender: masculine, feminine, neuter

Number: singular or plural

Case: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative
Nominative = subject
Genitive = possessive (of)
Dative = indirect object (to/for)
Accusative: direct object

Objects of a preposition MUST be in the objective case and CANNOT be in the nominative case.
e.g. CORRECT: She gave the prizes to him and me.
INCORRECT: Mary gave the awards to George and I.
CORRECT: She went with my brother and me.
INCORRECT: She went with my brother and I.
Traditional English usage has frowned upon ending a sentence with a preposition. It is, however,
becoming more acceptable even in written forms. Some people still will insist that to use a preposition at
the end of a sentence/clause is improper. (So beware.) I would recommend as a rule: in written forms try
to adhere to the traditional usage whenever possible.
e.g. Traditional: Of what are you afraid?
Common: What are you afraid of?

Relative Pronouns
The differentiation between "who" and "whom" is becoming increasingly uncommon in spoken
English BUT is still observed in the written language. To determine the correct usage ask yourself these
questions: How is it use in its clause? Is it functioning as the subject, object. object of a preposition. or
predicate nominative? Once you determine its function, then select the correct form.
The girl loves the boy who is our friend ~ subject
The girl whose purse was found left. ~ possessor
The boy whom we love left with her. = object