WebPage Review - How to build.
  Lesson:  Making your webpages with GooglePages

1. Create a gmail account - www.gmail.com
2. Sign in to your google account.
3. Got to http://pages.google.com
4. Create your home page. Click "Publish"
5. Copy your URL which will be  http://YourGmailName.googlepages.com
6. Add, Link and Revise your pages.


WebPage Review - How to build.
  Lesson:  Making your webpages with FrontPage

1. Create a new folder - name of the folder is your last name - use no spaces and no upper case letters.
2. Open a new page in Microsoft Frontpage.
3. Save your first page and title it  "index" - use no spaces, no upper case and no quotation marks.
4. All pictures, graphs, art, etc. must first be saved into your folder before you insert it into your web pages.
5. Choose a template design if you wish.
6. Make your content applicable to your classroom or your future classroom (a lesson)
7. Link all your pages together - use a common navigation scheme.
8. Create links to external pages.
9. Upload your pages.
IMPORTANT: everything you want on the web MUST be in your folder.