• Total is the sum of the measured quantity for the items.

  • Mean is the Total divided by the number of items, also know as the average.

  • Median is the number in the middle when the data is arranged in increasing order.

  • Mode is the number that appears most frequently in the data.

  • Range is the difference between the largest number and the smallest number in the data.

  • Variance describes how far the data is from the mean or, in other words, how well the mean represents the data. The variance is calculated by first subtracting the value of each item from the mean and squaring each result individually. Then, all the squared terms are added together and the total is divided by one less than the total number of items (or squared terms).

  • Deviation is the average distance of each item from the line that best fits the data. This value is calculated by taking the square root of the Variance
  • See additional help