The El Segundo Education Foundation's  
  Summer Academy 2014  



Elementary School Courses
Middle School Courses

High School Non-Credit Courses
High School Credit Recovery Courses
High School Advanced Credit Courses  

Middle School Level Courses  

Middle School Math Ready

Nicole Perren email
8:00 am - 10:30 am
June 16-July18
High School K205
Cost $275  reg. by May 4; $300 reg. by June 1; $325 reg. after June 1
Middle School Math Ready will be a class for Incoming 6th, Incoming 7th, and Incoming 8th graders who are going to Algebra Readiness. (Probably not suitable for 8th graders going into Algebra). We will cover topics that are often challenging for middle school students including Integers (positive and negative numbers), Order of Operations, Fractions, Decimals, and Percents. This class will meet all 5 weeks during 1st period only. No class will be held Thursday July 4 OR Friday July 5th- A home-assignment will be given in lieu of class Friday.