Supporting the Schools of El Segundo, California
    The El Segundo Education Foundation's  
  Summer Academy 2014  



Elementary School Courses
Middle School Courses

High School Non-Credit Courses
High School Credit Recovery Courses
High School Advanced Credit Courses  

Scholarship Policy  
The Summer Academy will offer a limited number of scholarships for the summer courses. The following are the criteria:

1. The student must be part of the national School Lunch Program with the designation of Free/Reduced Lunch with the El Segundo Unified School District by 
    February 28.  (Participation in district programs other than ESUSD cannot be accepted.) Students are expected to be an active participant in this program.
2. A scholarship of 50% reduction of the Early Registration fee will be offered to qualifying students. (50% is not applicable to later registration fees.)
3. To apply for a scholarship, send an email of request to Dr. Ray Gen at
4. Verification of the Free/Reduced Lunch designation and its active use will be made by the district office of ESUSD.
5. In order to broaden the effect of scholarships, priority will be given to students who have not receive a scholarship before.
6. DEADLINE TO APPLY for a scholarship is May 4.